Article 36 is a new civil society initiative founded by Richard Moyes and Thomas Nash in Oslo, Norway on 21 January 2011. Article 36 takes its name from Article 36 of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions, which requires states to ensure all weapons they develop or acquire are not prohibited under international law. Article 36 is founded on the premise that individuals and civil society organisations have an obligation to monitor and challenge the use of weapons technologies by states and other groups so as to protect people from unacceptable human suffering. Article 36 will:

Article 36 is in the early stages of development and all of its activities are undertaken by individuals volunteering their time. Article 36 welcomes all contributions of information, research and analysis from interested individuals, organisations and states. The programme of work for Article 36 will be developed over the coming months in consultation wth partners and a more developed website will communicate this agenda for action.